Platform: NOKIA
Selected model: TA-1047
Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait…
Found phone on COM26
Detecting Chip Version…
HW Chip: MT6737: 0215.0000
HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000
Brom Version: FF
BootLoader Version: 02
Searching Download Agent…
Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_Octoplus_Nokia_v.1
Sending Download Agent…
DA sent successfully
Initializing DA…
Synchronizing with DA…
NAND Flash: not installed
eMMC Flash: Hynix: H8G4a2
DA ver: 4.2.9B
Initializing Memory Flash..
Initialization successfully completed
Sending loaders…
Loader send successfuly.
Reading Flash Info…
EMMC rpmb size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
EMMC user area size: 7456 Mb
Internal RAM size: 128 Kb
External RAM size: 1024 Mb
Reading partition…
Reading info…
Brand: Nokia
Model: Nokia 1
Device: FRT
Android version: 9.1.0
Display ID: 00WW_0_28M
Searching for signatures…
Resetting FRP lock..
FRP lock is successfully reseted!